Tuesday 21 May 2013


Build muscles faster, as amino acids are required for the body. so, there is a good way to gain muscles for those who love juicy muscles

With the ON Gold standard 100% Whey, you give your body the very best. Ideal for anyone who leads an          active lifestyle and wants to put on quality lean muscle mass, this nutritional supplement comes fortified with    BCAAs, GLT and GLT precursors along with a multitude of Vitamins and Minerals. Together, they all offer enhanced protein synthesis.
DetailsThe protein isolates in ON Gold standard 100% Whey offer you one of the best and purest forms of proteins. It mixes instantly with just a spoon, making for a quick shake for your pre-workout and post-workout needs. The 4 grams of Glutamine and Glutamic acid mixed in this product enhances your muscle gain.
Features and BenefitsInstantized formula facilitates faster absorption.The hydrolyzed whey is fast reacting.Each serving has 24 grams of whey isolates that help your body build stronger much faster
  • 5 grams of BCAAs in every serving.
  • 4 grams of GLT and GLT precursors in each serving.
  • Contains no fat, lactose or added cholesterol.
    It contains Soy, so if allergic, it is best to avoid this product. Not recommended for weight reduction, should be used solely as a nutritional supplement.

Monday 20 May 2013

Is popcorn giving you heart disease?

Oh, great. Just when you were starting to get a handle on your BPA exposure, scientists uncover a new one you should worry about.
It’s called perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA)—a chemical found in things like nonstick cookware, food wrappers, furniture, and even raincoats—and it’s been linked to cardiovascular disease, according to a new study. 
The kicker? A full 98 percent of us have PFOA in our bloodstreams. (Protect your body’s most important muscle with these tips to Strengthen Your Heart in 30 Days.)
Researchers from West Virginia University (WVU) School of Public Health, Morgantown, looked at the health data of 1,200 Americans and compared their PFOA serum levels with the incidence of heart disease. The results: The greater the amounts of PFOA in the bloodstream, the greater the risk of cardiovascular disease—regardless of factors like age, race, smoking, BMI, diabetes, and even hypertension. While previous research has linked PFOA to cardiovascular disease in animals, this is the first to look at PFOA’s heart effect on humans.
Scary? You bet. But more research needs to be done to determine the specific relationship between PFOA and cardiovascular disease. 
“We can’t yet be certain that PFOA causes heart disease,” says lead study author Dr. Anoop Shankar, chair of the department of epidemiology in the WVU School of Public Health. “The two could be related in another way, like people with cardiovascular disease tending to retain more PFOA in their blood.” (Minimize your exposure to harsh chemicals with these 19 Bizarre Home Remedies That Really Work.)
Still, PFOA’s track record isn’t exactly reassuring. Health watchdogs like the Environmental Working Group—which annually puts out the Dirty Dozen Foods You Should Eat Organic—cite research that suggests PFOA may be a human carcinogen, and previous research has linked the chemical to chronic kidney disease and high cholesterol in children and adolescents. It’s also a significant source of global chemical emissions—so much so that the EPA partnered with major manufacturers like DuPont and 3M to form the 2010/2015 PFOA Stewardship Program, which plans to eliminate PFOAs from the manufacturers’ products by 2015.
Until then, you can minimize your exposure to the chemical by steering clear of two of the biggest sources: nonstick cookware and packaged foods like microwave popcorn. According to the FDA, many popcorn bags contain especially high levels of PFOAs. (Popcorn addict? Avoid chemicals, calories, and sodium

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/health/2013/05/12/is-popcorn-giving-heart-disease/#ixzz2TuH3Eua2

Ginger may relieve asthma symptoms

Purified components of the humble ginger have properties that can help asthma patients breathe more easily, a new study has found.
Asthma is characterised by bronchoconstriction, a tightening of the bronchial tubes that carry air into and out of the lungs.
Bronchodilating medications called beta-agonists are among the most common types of asthma medications and work by relaxing the airway smooth muscle (ASM) tissues.
Researchers from Columbia University in New York looked at whether specific components of ginger could help enhance the relaxing effects of bronchodilators.
"Asthma has become more prevalent in recent years, but despite an improved understanding of what causes asthma and how it develops, during the past 40 years few new treatment agents have been approved for targeting asthma symptoms," said lead author Elizabeth Townsend, post-doctoral research fellow in the Columbia University Department of Anesthesiology.
"In our study, we demonstrated that purified components of ginger can work synergistically with beta-agonists to relax ASM," said Townsend.
To conduct their study, the researchers took human ASM tissue samples and caused the samples to contract by exposing them to acetylcholine, a neurotransmitting compound that causes bronchoconstriction.
Next, the researchers mixed the beta-agonist isoproterenol with three separate components of ginger: 6-gingerol, 8-gingerol or 6-shogaol.
Contracted tissue samples were exposed to each of these three mixtures as well as unadulterated isoproterenol and the relaxation responses were recorded and compared.
Results showed that tissues treated with the combination of purified ginger components and isoproterenol exhibited significantly greater relaxation than those treated only with isoproterenol; of the three ginger components, 6-shogaol appeared most effective in increasing the relaxing effects of the beta-agonist.
Researchers wanted to determine if the ginger components might work by affecting an enzyme called phosphodiesterase4D (PDE4D). Using a techniquecalled fluorescent polarisation, they found that all three components significantly inhibited PDE4D.

VIA- google updates
