Saturday 30 November 2013

BUILD MUSCLES naturally :)

Are you looking to grow muscle mass, and burn calories more efficiently? It doesn't happen overnight but you'll be well on your way to adding muscle mass to your frame if you follow these steps consistently.

Increase your caloric intake.
If you are currently consuming 2,000 calories a day, boost that to about 2,500 calories.

Get enough protein to support muscle growth.
Aim for at least 1 to 2 grams of protein for every pound of body weight. For example, if you weigh 180 pounds, take in at least 180 to 360 grams—or about 6 to 12 ounces—of protein every day

Drink Enough Water.
The body needs a sufficient amount of water to build muscle at an optimal rate. Here's a great little formula to help make sure you are getting enough: Body weight in pounds X 0.6 = Water Intake in ounces

Eat regularly. Rather than having two or three large meals during the day.
something we've grown up with—change your eating habits so that you are eating five or six smaller meals during the day.
To help keep your protein intake high, one or two of those meals can be a protein shake. Here's one example, though a quick Internet search will uncover hundreds of delicious protein shakes:
8 oz skim milk
1 banana
1 tbsp peanut butter
2 scoops of protein powder

Eat fat. That's right.
not only does it make food taste good, fat is good for you, as long as you are eating the right kinds and amounts of fat! Saturated fats—the fat you'll find in a stick of butter, a bag of chips, or bacon (sad face allowed here)—should be limited to about 20 grams or less. That's the bad news. The good news is that unsaturated fats are actually beneficial, even necessary. Fat is necessary for the proper distribution of vitamins A, D, E, and K, helps promote better eyesight, and healthy skin. Depending on your total caloric intake, 50 to 70 grams of monounsaturated or polyunsaturated fat is beneficial for your training, and your overall general health.
Monounsaturated fats can be found in olive, canola, and sesame oils; avocado; and nuts such as almonds, cashews, peanuts, and pistachios.
Polyunsaturated fats are found in corn, cottonseed, and safflower oils; sunflower seeds and oils; flaxseed and flaxseed oil; soybeans and soybean oil.
Omega-3 fats, an overall winner of a fat that is very beneficial to heart and blood health, eyesight, and for children, brain development. You'll find this fat in many Omega-3-enriched foods. Another great source is fatty cold-water fish such as salmon, tuna, trout, and sardines.
A good way to determine how much fat in grams you should be taking in is to multiply your calorie intake by .001 for maximum trans-fats; by .008 for maximum saturated fats; and by .03 for the "good fats." For example, for a 2,500-calorie diet, you would limit trans-fats to 3 grams or less, saturated fats to 20 grams or less, and up to 75 grams of mono and polyunsaturated fats.

Take your vitaminsIn addition to a well-balanced diet, include a multivitamin supplement to your dietary regimen. It will ensure that your body is getting the full amount of vitamins and minerals it needs to stay healthy. There are many options, depending on your age, your sex, and your particular health and diet needs. Find the one that's right for you, and make it part of your daily routine.

Get your rest.
Your body needs time to recover, and to repair (build) your muscles, and to do that you will need at least 7 or 8 hours of sleep a night. Avoid caffeine and alcohol for deeper sleep.
In addition to the proper amount of sleep, do not overdo your training regimen. While you might be tempted to think that "more is better," in fact the opposite is true. You can reach a point known as "over-training," in which you'll lose the ability to "pump," (engorge the muscles with oxygen-rich blood), and can even lead to muscle wasting—exactly the opposite of what you are trying to achieve. Here are some symptoms to be aware of if you think you may be falling into the over-training zone:
Chronic fatigue
Strength loss
Loss of appetite
Lowered sex drive
Chronic soreness
Prone to injury

Lower your stress levels.
Whether your stress comes from job, home, or just the way you're wired, do what you can to reduce or eliminate it. It's not just good for you in general, but stress increases the production of the hormone cortisol, a hormone that encourages your body to store fat and burn muscle tissue.


  • Cocaine affects your brain
The word “cocaine” refers to the drug in both a powder (cocaine) and crystal (crack) form. It is made from the coca plant and causes a short-lived high that is immediately followed by opposite, intense feelings of depression, edginess, and a craving for more of the drug. Cocaine may be snorted as a powder, converted to a liquid form for injection with a needle, or processed into a crystal form to be smoked.

  • Cocaine affects your body.
People who use cocaine often don’t eat or sleep regularly. They can experience increased heart rate, muscle spasms, and convulsions. If they snort cocaine, they can also permanently damage their nasal tissue.
  • Cocaine affects your emotions.
Using cocaine can make you feel paranoid, angry, hostile, and anxious, even when you’re not high.
  • Cocaine is addictive.
Cocaine interferes with the way your brain processes chemicals that create feelings of pleasure, so you need more and more of the drug just to feel normal. People who become addicted to cocaine start to lose interest in other areas of their life, like school, friends, and sports.

  • Cocaine can kill you.
Cocaine use can cause heart attacks, seizures, strokes, and respiratory failure. People who share needles can also contract hepatitis, HIV/AIDS, or other diseases.
  • Before You Risk it......

Know the law.Cocaine-in any form-is illegal.

Stay informed. – Even first-time cocaine users can have seizures or fatal heart attacks.

Know the risks – Combining cocaine with other drugs or alcohol is extremely dangerous. The effects of one drug can magnify the effects of another, and mixing substances can be deadly.

Be aware. - Cocaine is expensive. Regular users can spend hundreds and even thousands of dollars on cocaine each week and some will do anything to support their addiction.

Stay in control. – Cocaine impairs your judgment which may lead to unwise decisions around sexual activity. This can increase your risk for HIV/AIDS and other diseases, as well as rape and unplanned pregnancy.

Look around you. – The vast majority of teens aren’t using cocaine. According to a 1998 study, less than 1 percent of teens are regular cocaine users. In fact, 98 percent of teens have never even tried cocaine.

Know the Signs...
How can you tell if a friend is using cocaine? Sometimes it’s tough to tell. But there are signs you can look for. If your friend has one or more of the following warning signs, he or she may be using cocaine or other illicit drugs:

  1. Red, bloodshot eyes
  2. A runny nose or frequently sniffing
  3. A change in eating or sleeping patterns
  4. A change in groups of friends
  5. A change in school grades or behavior
  6. Acting withdrawn, depressed, tired, or careless about personal appearance
  7. Losing interest in school, family, or activities he or she used to enjoy
  8. Frequently needing money

What can you do to help someone who is using cocaine? Be a real friend. Save a life. Encourage your friend to stop or seek professional help

Genital Herpes Infections....

What is herpes?

Herpes is a very common infection that is caused by one of two different types of viruses:
Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) or
herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2).

Both of these viruses can affect the mouth or genitals. HSV-1 has traditionally been associated with an infection in the mouth, while HSV-2 typically infects the genitals. However, recent research shows that HSV-1 is becoming a more common cause of genital herpes infections as well.

HSV-1 is widespread—an estimated 80 percent of adults are infected with it, as are half children under age six. HSV-2 is also quite common and affects about 20 percent of young adults.

Once someone has been infected, both HSV-1 and HSV-2 remain in the body for life. Most of the time, the immune system suppresses the virus so it’s dormant, but it still exists in the nerves deep within the skin. Even if your immune system is strong, however, the virus may start reproducing again, and you may experience an outbreak. Although there is no cure for herpes, certain medications can help prevent and shorten outbreaks. Herpes is not life-threatening and does not affect fertility in women or men.

What are the symptoms of herpes?

The symptoms of herpes depend on what type of herpes virus you have and which part of the body it affects. Many people with HSV-1 or HSV-2 don’t experience any symptoms during an outbreak. This is called asymptomatic infection, and this makes it easier to unknowingly spread the virus to others. When HSV-1 and HSV-2 do cause symptoms, the two types of illness often look and feel the same. The main difference is that HSV-2 in the genital area is more likely to relapse, or cause outbreaks, than HSV-1.

Symptoms of oral herpes can include:
Pain, burning, tingling, or itching on the lips or mouth
Cold sores on the lips or around or inside the mouth, which may initially look like shallow ulcers and then crust over. Without treatment, these sores last several days to a few weeks before clearing up on their own.

Symptoms of genital herpes can include:
Pain, burning, tingling, or itching on or around the genitals, buttocks, or inner thighs
Small blisters on or around the penis, vagina, or anus that usually break and form small scabs before healing within a few days
A burning sensation while urinating if the sores are near the urethra (the opening through which urine exits the body)

Studies suggest that having genital herpes may also increase your risk of contracting HIV (the virus that causes AIDS). This is because open herpes sores on the genitals make it easier for the HIV virus to enter the body.

How does herpes spread?

HSV-1 is spread through contact with saliva, including kissing and mouth-to-genital contact (oral sex). HSV-2 is usually transmitted by direct genital-to-genital or genital-to-anal contact. In the past, HSV-2 was responsible for most cases of genital herpes. However, recent research suggests that almost 80 percent of college students with genital herpes have HSV-1, likely due to the fact that rates of oral sex are high in this group. Remember, a person with herpes doesn’t have to have symptoms to spread the virus to someone else.

How do I know if I have herpes?

The best way for clinicians to determine if someone has HSV-1 or HSV-2 is to perform a laboratory analysis on a sample from a fresh herpes sore. But because not everyone with herpes has symptoms, your clinician may use a blood test to detect antibodies to the herpes viruses. A blood test can reveal if you have herpes and specify whether you are infected with HSV-1 or HSV-2. However, the test cannot tell you what part of your body the virus will affect.

Talk with your clinician if you wish to be tested for herpes. Even if you have a standard screening for sexually transmitted diseases, it may not include herpes unless you specifically ask.

Remember, however, that HSV-1 is a very common virus and there is an 80 percent probability that you will test positive for it. If you are a sexually active adult who has had multiple partners, there is a 20 percent probability that you will test positive for HSV-2.

Here are some other things to consider before you get tested:
If you test negative for one or both of these viruses, what will you do to prevent them?
If you test positive for one or both of these viruses, will you tell potential partners before you engage in sexual activity or, in the case of HSV-1, before you kiss them or engage in oral sex?

Learning that you have herpes can be confusing and scary. We encourage you to have an in-depth conversation with your health care provider before you decide to get tested.

How is herpes treated?

There is no cure for herpes, but antiviral drugs can help you manage outbreaks and relieve symptoms. There are currently three types of antiviral herpes medications:
Acyclovir (Zovirax)
Famcyclovir (Famvir)
Valacyclovir (Valtrex)

All three of these drugs are available in pill form. Acyclovir is the oldest of the three and is less expensive because it is available as a generic drug.

Antiviral medications can be taken two ways to treat herpes:
Treatment for outbreaks. Although herpes sores eventually clear up on their own, antiviral drugs can shorten the duration and severity of symptoms. If your health care provider prescribes antiviral drugs to treat the symptoms of a herpes outbreak, you will need to take the medication multiple times a day for five days (your clinician will recommend an exact dosage).
Suppressive therapy. Some people choose to take antiviral drugs every day. This is called “suppressive therapy,” and it can decrease the likelihood of herpes outbreaks. Suppressive therapy may have other benefits as well. It may:
Reduce the likelihood of developing asymptomatic outbreaks
Reduce the risk of transmitting HSV to your sexual partner
Reduce the risk of contracting HIV because active HSV can also make you more susceptible to the HIV virus
If you have herpes, speak with your health care provider to determine if suppressive antiviral therapy is right for you.

What about other approaches?

Despite claims that certain supplements or other alternative approaches can successfully treat or prevent herpes, there is no good evidence that these approaches are effective. Stress and illness can weaken your immune system, making you more susceptible to herpes, but it remains unclear whether maintaining a healthy lifestyle can protect against outbreaks.

How can I prevent transmission of herpes?

The best way to prevent transmitting or contracting genital herpes is to avoid sexual contact or to be in a monogamous relationship with someone who has tested negative for the virus. That may not be realistic for many people, however. Although the following tips cannot completely prevent the spread of genital herpes, they can help lower your risk of transmission:
Don’t engage in sexual activity with an uninfected partner when you have an outbreak, and vice versa.
Use a condom for sexual intercourse and foreplay. HSV-2 is transmitted through skin-to-skin contact, not through bodily fluids, so you shouldn’t wait for intercourse to use condoms. When used properly, condoms reduce the risk of herpes transmission by about 50 percent.
Use a barrier such as a condom (for fellatio) or dental dam (for oral-vaginal or oral-anal sex) to prevent HSV-1 from being transmitted from the mouth to the genitals or anus.
Wash after sex. The herpes virus is surrounded by a lipid (fatty) coating, which causes it to be inactivated by soap. More research needs to be done, but it’s possible that washing with regular soap and water after sex might reduce the risk of contracting HSV.
Take antiviral drugs every day (suppressive therapy), which can decrease the risk of transmission by 50 percent.
Because oral herpes is so common, it can be difficult to prevent transmission. If you are concerned about contracting or transmitting oral herpes, avoid kissing people or sharing items like utensils, washcloths, and lip balm when cold sores are present.

Easy Ways to Increase Height Naturally!

Tall people always become the center of attraction in a crowd. Height will enhance your physical appearance to a great extent and a lot of people feel dejected and depressed due to the lack of height.

Different aspects like hereditary factors, lack of exercises and imbalanced diet play an important role in making people short.

There are several types of medicines available in the market to increase height and selecting the best one deserves great care and attention.

Otherwise, the chemicals present in the substandard products will invite dangerous health implications.

It is always advisable to depend on the natural methods for improving height and the best advocated methods are:
1) Proper exercises
2) Correct postures
3) Balanced diet

Proper exercises

Stretching your body to the highest point will help you in the best possible manner and it will also keep your body in good health. Different types of exercises like jumping, bending and skipping will increase your height with great effect and playing basketball will help children in improving their height as well.

Practicing speed height exercises in a daily manner will help you to improve the height and yoga will contribute immensely towards increasing the height as well. Stretching the spine becomes absolutely essential in increasing the human height and some of the exercises in yoga, will serve this purpose in the most effective manner.

Quality stretching exercises will always aim at toning the back muscles and as a resultant factor your spine will get straightened. That is how you will be able to achieve permanent increase in height.

Correct posture

You should always be alert in keeping your body posture straight and steady and incorrect postures will affect your efforts to increase height in an adverse manner. Simple things like sitting straight on a chair will play a vital role in improving the height and you should always be aware of the fact that a straight spine and a strong back are very vital in enhancing your height in the best possible manner.

The most important aspect to be given the due attention it deserves is to keep the correct posture to help your spine stretch and experts always advocate the importance of having a good pillow and a body friendly mattress to keep the spine comfortable. You should not allow your shoulders to stoop while walking or standing as well.

Balanced diet

A healthy and balanced diet is absolutely essential to improve your height and junk foods will have to be avoided at any cost. Vitamin D and proteins play an important role in triggering the growth hormones and proper growth of teeth and bones becomes a reality only when you consume sufficient amount of these nutrients.

You will have to include food items like cheese, lean meat, fish oil, egg white to make the growth hormones work better. The importance of other nutrients like minerals, carbohydrates and vitamins should not be neglected because they also contribute immensely towards the proper growth of the body.

Apart from these natural methods, some quality supplements are available in the market and you will have to make proper amount of research about the ingredients before making any conclusion. It is always advisable to select supplements with natural ingredients for the optimal increase in your height.